Posts with tag “development”

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Where did my icons go?

When I was experimenting with an SVG sprite to replace my current icon font, suddenly some of the icons disappeared without a clear reason. It worked fine when I accessed the demo page via the file URI scheme, but as soon as I used an HTTP server, some of them did not show up.

Font Awesome to PNG

A site I’m working on uses Font Awesome. Font Awesome is an iconic font designed for use with Twitter’s Bootstrap and currently (at version 4.0.0) includes 370 icons. It is an easy to use and nice icon font. But I needed PNG files of the icons so I could use the same icons in a different system.

CloudFlare experiment

For about a month I have served this website using the CloudFlare free plan. This article describes what I observed.

Workshop: Theming with Diazo

On Wednesday the 12th of December, Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe organised a Diazo workshop. Douwe van der Meij and Kim Chee Leong introduced us to the wonderful world of theming Plone the easy way (my words, not theirs). Since this workshop took a full day, this is not a complete summary but a more an extended version of the notes I took during the day.

Thoughts on mobile development

For years web development was quite predictable. The resolution of the average screen slowly but steadily increased, bandwidth became less of an issue and everything was good. Then smartphones became mainstream. Suddenly we have to make sure our websites are also accessible on small screens. And bandwidth may also be limited to a few kilobytes per second. In other words: new challenges. But how are we responding to them?

Using a jQuery plugin in Django admin and getting a “$().foo is not a function” or “Object ... has no method foo” error?

Are you using a jQuery plugin, for instance jQuery UI, to spice up the Django admin site? Then you might get either an error like “foo is not a function” (Firebug) or “Object ... has no method foo” (Chrome Developer Tools). Are you confused because foo should be defined in the plugin? Don’t worry, the solution is simple.

Dict with a list as value in

This article is a short example of how to use a list as a value of a dict when using Perhaps a similar example is already in the docs, but I could not find it when I was looking for it. And since it took me some trial and error to get it right, I figured I could just as well post my solution.

Searching in a Django site — part 1: what and why

One of the things that was still on my wish list for this site, was a proper search. In two articles I will explain how I’ve done this. The next article will describe the way I have currently set things up. This article will primarily focus on the journey I made to come to my choice (Djapian).

RelStorage and PostgreSQL

After a bit of experimentation I’ve succeeded in moving an existing Plone 3.3.5 from the normal FileStorage storage (in other words a ZODB in a Data.fs file) to RelStorage using PostgreSQL. This is a blog post about what I needed to change in the buildout configuration and which resources I used.

Dots in a SlugField

When migrating from Plone to Django, I had problems with editing weblog entries with a dot in the url. Apparently Django doesn’t allow dots in a SlugField. Here’s how I solved it.

Web designer's skills

Recently I read some articles about web designers. This got me thinking about the qualities I think you need to be a good designer and about the different ways a design can be made.